Sorry... But I am no longer taking on New Clients For SEO...
Because I've come up with a way
of getting you what you actually want,
even though you don't realise it yet.
And That Is...
Direct To Your Business As Early As
You see, SEO (Search Engine
Optimisation), takes time, sometimes a lot of time... and more times than not... MORE TIME
that you can really afford to wait. Even if you've tried Google Adwords, Facebook Advertising, Banner Advertising, Discount Coupon Advertising, Trade Magazine Advertising, Local Newspaper Advertising... or even Radio & TV Advertising... You know you can loose your shirt with these platforms... If you get it wrong. All you see it your money flying out of your account... And getting nothing in return. And none of these guys care if you succeed or fail, or whether you see a Return On Your Investment. They don't care if you can't make a profit from the Leads & Calls you get from their platform. All they care about is Selling The Advertising Space - You know I'm telling the truth! That, and you have to SPEND THE MONEY - Before you find out if "YOUR ADVERT" will even work. Just ask ANY of them... If you can place an advert FREE of CHARGE... So you can find out if it will work... And they'll just laugh at you down the phone.!! - Go on I DARE YOU>!!! The Soultion To Your PROBLEM... So I've come up with a way of getting Local Businesses (World-wide) the Calls & Leads you need for your business to survive in today's competitive market... INSTANTY..!!!
So what is it that I'm talking about? Well let me tell you... It's simply "Pay-PerCall".!! You see, I've figured out a full proof way of directing pre-qualified, laser targeted, quality red hot buyers DIRECTLY to Your Business by PHONE...!!! Local customers & clients in your Local Area who are looking for exactly what it is that you are offering... RIGHT NOW...!!! Local customers & clients who are actively searching for a business just like your's... RIGHT NOW...!!! All I do is lead them from a network of online assets I have... DIRECTLY to YOUR BUSINESS...!!! I somply get them to call a special number...And I then divert that Phone Call "EXCLUSIVELY" to you...!! Exclusive Calls Just For YOU... Now unlike most Call & Lead Generation buisnesses, like Home Adviser, My Builder, Bark or any number other directory type businesses... I DON'T send the Phone Calls to multiple businesses... So no more having to continually fight & compete on price, and having to keep dropping your price just to get the customer or client on board. That's no way to run a business, but that's exactly what hundereds, even thousands of small businesses, just like yours do EVERY SINGLE DAY - Hell, you might even be one of them...!! That's simply... a fight to the bottom - And no business can survive forever doing that.! And becuase you're on this page... NOW you DON'T have to, not anymore. Your "Secret Source"... Because you've just found a "Secret Source" of pre-qualified, laser targeted, quality red hot buyers that can be INSTANTLY DIRECTLY to Call Your Business, and Your Business ALONE.! A "Secret Source" that you CAN rely on, and use FOREVER... A "Secret Source" that your competitors won't be able to get their hands on... EVER..!! You see, apart from making our Calls Exclusive... I also make the areas we serve EXCLUSIVE....!!! I only work with "ONE" business in any given "NICHE" in any given "CITY"... So once I am working with a business in a given "CITY", I will NOT work with another business in your "NICHE" in your "CITY"... EVER..!! So long as we are doing business, and supplying Your Business with pre-qualified, laser targeted, quality red hot buyers and Phone Calls... I will NEVER work against you with one of your competitors... EVER..!! I Want "BUSINESS PARTNERS" Not Clients... You see, I'm not looking for some "New Clients" here... I'm looking for "Business Partners...!!! "Business Partners" who I will have a 10, 20 or even 30 year relationship with, if I'm around that long. I want to build a strong business relationship that my children, and my children's children can benefit from... Long after we're both gone., and kicjed our clogs. I want to become your "Business Partner"of choice, not just your prefered suppier of pre-qualified, laser targeted, quality red hot buyers and Phone Calls. I want to help you build your business stonger, faster & more sucessful than you thought possible.! |
No Credit Card Required! - No Sign-Up Form! - No Email Address!
Maximum respect,
Robert G. Johnston
Robert G. Johnston